Re-Schedule of Scooty Distribution under Pragyan Bharati Scheme, 2025 Dated 10.02.2025 (10 a.m. to 2 p.m.)     ||    Schedule of Scooty Distribution under Pragyan Bharati Scheme, 2025 Dated 07.01.2025 (10 a.m. to 2 p.m.)     ||    Pragyan Bharati Scheme, 2024 Scooty Distribution list is live now-> go to view all notices section     ||    Examination Form Fill Up Notice for FYUGP-I and FYUGP-III semester is live now.     ||    Revised Examination Programme is live now     ||    Course (paper) Registration for FYUGP and 1st and 3rd semester in the Samarth portal is extended to 11th November, 2024,     ||    FYUGP 1ST SEMESTER, 2024 :: ARTS, COMMERCE, VOC. SAMARTH ROLL NUMBERS ARE AVAILABLE NOW:: GO THROUGH -> VIEW ALL NOTICES     ||    


Kharupetia College is one of the premier institutions of higher education in Darrang District. The College saw the light of day as a result of untiring efforts of the far- sighted people of greater Kharupetia locality. Established in the year 1981, the college was taken over by the Govt. of Assam under deficit system of grants-in-aid w.e.f. 25/03/98. The college was provincialized by the Govt. of Assam w.e.f. 01/12/2005 vide Govt. notification No. LPG. 112/2005/158 dated the 19th December, 2005. The College has been included under section 2(f) & 12 (B) of the UGC Act, 1956.

Principal's Message

Dr. Mausumi Saha Kalita

Kharupetia College is one of the premier institutions of higher education in Darrang District. The College has been set up with the painstaking efforts of some academically conscious personalities and visionaries of social change and sustainable development who felt the need of an institution of higher education in a socio-economically backward area of the District like Kharupetia in the year 198..

Mission and Vision

The logo of the college symbolises its goal and vision. An earthen lamp is lighted inside a half circle with a base bar on which ‘Tamasho Ma Jyotirgomoi’ (lead me from darkness to light) has been written. The lamp symbolises the light of knowledge.

We envision to develop the college into a centre of excellence adding value to education with dedication to nurture the students and transform them into employable persons and good citizens of the nation. Our Mission is to bring social change in a desired way by using education as a tool for change.


তুমি আলোকৰ জ্ঞানৰ পুণ্যভূমি
শত জনমৰ সাধনাৰে গঢ়া
মহা জীৱনৰ খনি ।।

তুমি বিকশিত আজি জ্ঞানৰ জ্যোতিৰে
চৌদিশ জ্যোতিষ্মান
তুমি জীৱন গঢ়াৰ অংগীকাৰেৰে
হ'লা আজি মহীয়ান
দিয়া সৃষ্টি দিয়া কৃষ্টি
নতুন পোহৰ সিঁচি
শত জনমৰ সাধনাৰে গঢ়া মহাজীৱনৰ খনি ।।

তুমি অগ্ৰগতিৰ
আন এটি নাম পৰিচয় সমাজৰ
তুমি প্রভাতে প্রভাতে সিঁচি দিয়া মহাবাণী জীৱনৰ
দিয়া ঋদ্ধি দিয়া সিদ্ধি
উঠক জয়ধ্বনি
শত জনমৰ সাধনাৰে গঢ়া
মহাজীৱনৰ খনি।।